Pretty little fallen star
High up in the sky,
You whose twinkle
Shames the brightness of the morning
Your gleam on the seas like roses
in a garden,
Bestow them with such regal
beauty that
Sweetest words in a verse cannot
Pretty little fallen star
Whose lone existence formed the
most intricate
And beautiful constellation,
For eternities to come, yours
shall be a beauty
That queens and gods cannot adorn,
Yours is a beauty that the most
Of rocks multiplied a hundred
times over
Cannot match in value.
Pretty little star
Who once upon a time stood high,
Up in the sky and illuminated the
spirits of us mortals
In the world’s rollercoaster of
perpetual misery,
Your light engulfed our anguish and
Banished our demons,
Your light created a paradise for
That heaven remains forever
jealous of.
Pretty little fallen star,
You whose life span lasted no
longer than
A moment of happiness in hell,
Little as you were,
Your explosion caused a supernova
That has gone on to birth more pretty
Little stars like the verses on
these pages
That seek to engrave your glory
Immortality’s bosom.
Pretty little fallen star
Now living among the legends
Of the sky who once ignited our
Your glory and splendour shall
always be remembered
And your light shall never know
As long as the sky shall have
And music shall have melody.
For Hillary, my Pretty Little Star
whose light was stolen too soon by mortality's jealous darkness.
For Hillary, my Pretty Little Star
whose light was stolen too soon by mortality's jealous darkness.
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