Living in a
She floats
above the earth,
High up in
the dark clouds where nothing Is visible,
Where living
souls don’t exist.
voices, blank thoughts, open eyes that don’t see,
breaths, deafened ears
A living
heart that does not beat,
feelings, insensitive thick skin;
These are
the clothes she wears every day
To shield
her from existing.
Living in a
bubble, she floats through life,
A lifeless
living relic of days with bluer skies,
leisurely through the streets
Of oblivion,
stopping every now and then
At misery
and the land of anguish where she dines
With the
voices that seep from perpetual deafening silence;
The voices
that with such sweet and sultry appeal
Whisper: slash
a vein or two. relish the sweet pleasure of pain.
the sweet sight of blood oozing so graciously.
Hers is a
life without efforts of living,
Void of hopes for a tomorrow.
For every
new day that she has to live in that bubble,
She curses
the day life was ever created
And waits in
worn out patience for the day hers will end.
Before she
started living in a bubble,
She lived in
a house with a mother and a father,
She used to
care for the little things;
laughter, dancing, praying, playing.
changed when her little garden started
To grow
pretty flowers and then she was made to
Allow a
visitor who promised that they were only taking
Care of the garden.
Her entire
little garden was razed on the day when
Eternal dusk came as
soon as the sun rose.
Her life
clashed with everything and everyone she held dear.
The result
of the altercation was her damned reality
And an
introduction to her demons who became her
companions until today.
Living in a
She knows
that her security is not guaranteed,
She knows
that something will burst her bubble
And send her
falling down from the clouds and
Crashing on
solid earth, scattering into a million pieces
But she does
not care.
She has with
her a candle that’s burned its wax to the very last,
Its light
flickering in the breeze.
She has the
light of that candle to save her from her darkness
Overleaf there is
whatever it
is that will burst her bubble and save her from
Living in
her excruciating existence.
She knows she'll either be delivered from the darkness or
Escape from life.
Either way,
she wins.
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