He knew love,
He felt love,
But he knew that he was too young to express love.
When he was a little boy, he thought that he was special,
He thought that he was a beautiful boy.
Everyone thought it was funny and told him that
He was handsome, not beautiful.
He still believed he was beautiful and special,
That the whole world was a story in which he was
The principal character.

In junior high school he wore glasses for the first time
To school and Teacher called him windscreen.
He cried because he thought his glasses were beautiful
And the perfect size but Teacher, whose opinion mattered the most;
Whose every word was a dose of wisdom,
Whose every word bore as much importance
As the bricks that would build his future,
Thought it was bullshit.
He tried to hide when he cried
But when the boys caught him,
They called him WOMAN WRAPPER.

By the time he believed that he was old enough
To express love,
Love had already died a thousand deaths
From stabs by the very same people he thought
Were the embodiments of love.
Between being called windscreen and eighteen,
He learned that love was wrong.
He learned that love was a thing that made you dumb
In the eyes of the world,
Love was something that you could get killed for.

When he was old enough to form opinions,
The first opinion he formed was that his life
Was no more than a withered, dry leaf
Floating in the wind.
When he was old enough to form opinions,
He wrote in a journal;

“Do you ever wish that you never existed?
That the whole concept of existentialism
And life never had so much importance?
That creation or evolution never happened,
That oblivion would save you from all the
Hurt of existing and bring you to sweet,
Everlasting unconsciousness,
Help you forget how to forget and remember
Because then you do not know what anything is
Because you are basking in the comfort of
Never knowing, never feeling, never seeing,
Or hearing or smelling?
How glorious that would be!”

He thought of the possibility of the existence of
Other worlds where lights and consciousness and hiding
Were not needed at all.

Tonight, he shall go to the riverside
And board the faceless captain’s boat
And sail across the black river to the other side,
The world of perpetual darkness
And never-ending oblivion.


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